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New in Edit Plus v 3.21 for Atari ST/TT/Falcon

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Fixes since v 3.20

NOTE: If you have any problems with your mouse doing weird things, and you are using NVDI, then you probably need to change your NVDI settings for "TOS compatibility" or "Line-A compatibility."
  1. Fixed strange behavior when using TypeAhead to Stalker.
  2. Fixed "forced" typeahead (shift-Return) to send line/block to whatever was last selected as typeahead "port" (modem, printer, or Stalker).
  3. Fixed file size indicator to react properly when failing to locate a file that one was attempting to open (rather than setting the file size to the buffer size and thinking it was in virtual-buffer mode).
  4. Fixed the Stalker paste to Steno (EdPlus) function to work properly with Stalker versions 3.03 and later.
  5. Fixed lost Ctl-key combos.
  6. Changed mouse-on calls to read hidecount from line-A table and turn it on the proper number of times, rather than forcing the mouse to show by writing to the line-A table. Why? - because it apparently fixes a problem it was having with the MagiC 4 replacement operating system.

Edit Plus v 3.2 07 Feb 1996

New features/fixes since version 3.13:
  1. Fixed print block when no block selected.
  2. Search for selected block. If you have a block selected when you go to do a Search (Alt-F), then the selected block WILL be used as the search string (size limit = 65K).
  3. The default for Replace Query/All is whichever you picked last time. This also gets saved when you save your Config.
  4. Added Stalker/modem/printer typeahead command. Alt-shift-Return or Alt-U configures this on/off and which output device. When turned on, each line automatically gets sent as soon as you hit Return at the end of the line. With Typeahead turned off, Shift-Return forces the line (or selected block) to be sent to the current output device, as if TypeAhead were turned on. If you are using the standard ST serial port, then selecting Modem should work just as well as or better than selecting Stalker, but if you are using a 2nd serial port, then you'd need to have it go through Stalker to get it out the proper port.
  5. Now allows hex => char conversion of lower case hex characters -- not just upper case ones.
  6. Allows cancel from hex/char conversion.
  7. Allow conversion of char => hex with full buffer by letting user opt to destroy last half of buffer contents.
  8. Filename changes to NEWFILE.TXT when you clear buffer (Alt-C).
  9. Add hack display mode that wraps at CR/LF's and at edge of window, instead of wrapping at 64 columns. Preferred default choice of these two wrapping methods is saved in CFG file.
  10. Add YYMMDD date format to existing mm/dd/yy and dd Mon yyyy formats.
  11. Add key command shift-alt-D to configure date format in addition to existing Config dialog.

    Done since the beta 3.2A was released in December 1995:

  12. Fix to allow printing while typeahead to modem is enabled.
  13. EdPlus now knows that the file has been altered and not yet saved after doing a block shift.
  14. Kwiksend Strip CR/LF setting is now saved in CFG file.
  15. Got rid of extra redraw after GoTo Line.
  16. Fixed lockup when Goto Line bigger than there is.
  17. Fixed lockup when GoTo Line #1 after toggling text->hack->text while editing a part of a file beyond the first buffer-full.
  18. Added Alert about incorrect line # display when toggle hack->txt while editing a part of a file beyond the first buffer-full.

Clear Thinking
14 Payeur Rd
Ann Arbor, MI  48108-9749  USA
Voice: 313-971-8576

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4 May 1996, Last updated 12/10/2008