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Foresight (Consciousness/Awareness/Perspective)

Keeping the Game of Life Going...
(Sustainability = Democracy + Ecology + Foresight)


I use the term foresight to mean being able to pull your head out of the sand long enough and high enough to look beyond your feelings that keep you out of touch: feeling like a victim, being alone, being neglected, being worthless, or feeling like you are better/smarter than other people. If you are totally, decidedly, uncompromisingly, dedicatedly stuck in such a state of mind, then you probably would never have arrived at this point on the web. Therefore, I conclude that there is some glimmer of a chance that you can actually grow beyond these sort of limiting feelings. Some of the many ways to pursue this growth, either as long-term life pursuits or as quick, "get me over my current hurdle" approaches are:

Potentially Useful/Interesting Links...

(probably way out-of-date by now)

If you're reading this live on the web, then the following are probably already taken care of for yourself, but certain other people may need to deal with these before they can begin to think of the list above:

[Sustainability] [Caring] [Information] [Action] [Foresight] [Democracy] [Ecology]

Craig Harvey: [home page] [biographical info]
3/17/96, Last updated 12/10/2008